Electricians lead the way with Clipsal Wiser™ Smart Home Solutions

Clipsal Wiser can be configured to meet almost any customer’s home automation needs. Introduce flexible and scalable smart home technology into your business.

Electricians lead the way with Clipsal Wiser™ Smart Home Solutions
Browse Wiser range

Imagine making every home a smart home

Clipsal Wiser offers your customers more control, comfort, energy efficiency and peace of mind.
So, expand your skills and smart home expertise.

Discover how Wiser Smart Home solutions can benefit your business.

Become a Wiser Approved Installer today

and unlock benefits to grow your business

Wiser products
Wiser smoke alarms

Imagine all this brought to you by Clipsal

With more than 25 years of local experience in smart home innovation, an award winning local R&D team, and backed globally by Schneider Electric, Clipsal gives you peace of mind and extensive support for your business.

Wiser Tips

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Clipsal Wiser – Marree’s Tips – IP Outdoor Camera

Marree takes us through the features of the Wiser Outdoor IP camera and shares some tips for locations. ►Click here to subscribe to Clipsal by Schneider Electric: https://www.youtube.com/@ClipsalbySE/ Connect with Clipsal by Schneider Electric: ►Our website: https://www.clipsal.com/ ►Job Opportunities: http://spr.ly/SE-Careers ►LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clipsal ►Clipsal Home Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ClipsalHome ►Clipsal Home Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clipsalhome/ ►Clipsal Trade Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ClipsalTrade ►Clipsal Trade Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clipsaltrade/

Download Wiser by SE app

Check out what the Wiser by SE app can offer your customers in terms of control and convenience.

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