Product brand
Reach regulation
Reference contains Substances of Very High Concern above the threshold
Eu rohs directive
Compliant with Exemptions
Mercury free
Rohs exemption information
China rohs regulation
Product out of China RoHS scope. Substance declaration for your information
Environmental disclosure
Circularity profile
Package 1 bare product quantity
Unit type of package 1
Number of units in package 1
Package 1 height
3 cm
Package 1 width
10 cm
Package 1 length
8 cm
Package 1 weight
102 g
Scip number
Product contributes to saved and avoided emissions
Removable battery
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Product Line:
Circuit Breaker Test Set
HHTK - The S33594 hand-held test kit will test the trip function of the breaker and may be used for inhibiting ground fault and thermal imaging, and enable zone selective interlocking (ZSI) self restraint during primary injection testing.
FFTK - The S33595 full function test kit will test LSIG functions as well as the same functions as listed above.
Additional details below:
Circuit Breaker Test Set
HHTK - The S33594 hand-held test kit will test the trip function of the breaker and may be used for inhibiting ground fault and thermal imaging, and enable zone selective interlocking (ZSI) self restraint during primary injection testing.
FFTK - The S33595 full function test kit will test LSIG functions as well as the same functions as listed above.
Additional details below:
Please see the below information from the LV833593SP Instruction Sheet.
The internal battery is dedicated to the supply of the trip causes LEDs and the internal clock, and there is no effect to the protection setting of the breaker.
Please see below description from the Masterpact MTZ Catalogue.
The internal battery is dedicated to the supply of the trip causes LEDs and the internal clock, and there is no effect to the protection setting of the breaker.
Please see below description from the Masterpact MTZ Catalogue.
Where can I buy a EasyPact MVS breaker?
Product Line:
EasyPact MVS circuit breakers
There are no plans for a general release of the EasyPact MVS circuit breaker line in the US.
Where can I buy a EasyPact MVS breaker?
Product Line:
EasyPact MVS circuit breakers
There are no plans for a general release of the EasyPact MVS circuit breaker line in the US.
Masterpact NW
Find out if this breaker is used in a MDGF (Modified Differential Ground Fault) system. If so, disconnect wire going to M1 on the secondary block and retest. M1 enables MDGF and disables residual GF, and removing it puts the breaker back into residual mode where it can be tested with the FFTK.
Masterpact NW
Find out if this breaker is used in a MDGF (Modified Differential Ground Fault) system. If so, disconnect wire going to M1 on the secondary block and retest. M1 enables MDGF and disables residual GF, and removing it puts the breaker back into residual mode where it can be tested with the FFTK.
Product Line:
Micrologic test equipment
Electrical Distribution Equipment
Yes, the FFTK can be repaired in most cases. Have the distributor contact Customer Service for a "Return for Repair" RMA and send it back.
(see internal FA289579)
Micrologic test equipment
Electrical Distribution Equipment
Yes, the FFTK can be repaired in most cases. Have the distributor contact Customer Service for a "Return for Repair" RMA and send it back.
(see internal FA289579)
Product Line:
Circuit Breaker
The calibration of the test set is checked each time it is used. The S33595 microprocessor is designed with a power-up self check sequence. Each time the unit is powered up, it does a self diagnostic. This checks the health of all electronics, as well as positions of relays and switches inside the test kit. The self diagnostic also checks communications to the screen and the voltage level supplying the test kit. The test kit will not proceed to the test screens until all of these are verified.
The test kit also looks at calibration before each secondary injection test and if the microprocessor determines that it cannot reliably inject the correct signal, an error message will appear on the screen "Test kit calibration error, Test aborted". When this occurs, the test kit must be returned to the factory for repair. Return through your local Schneider Electric (Square D) distributor.
For more details see instruction bulletin for the FFTK:
Circuit Breaker
The calibration of the test set is checked each time it is used. The S33595 microprocessor is designed with a power-up self check sequence. Each time the unit is powered up, it does a self diagnostic. This checks the health of all electronics, as well as positions of relays and switches inside the test kit. The self diagnostic also checks communications to the screen and the voltage level supplying the test kit. The test kit will not proceed to the test screens until all of these are verified.
The test kit also looks at calibration before each secondary injection test and if the microprocessor determines that it cannot reliably inject the correct signal, an error message will appear on the screen "Test kit calibration error, Test aborted". When this occurs, the test kit must be returned to the factory for repair. Return through your local Schneider Electric (Square D) distributor.
For more details see instruction bulletin for the FFTK: