Installing the Security Administrator tools for SCADAPack on a new computer


28 October 2021


We are migrating from Windows 7 to Windows 10 for our Security Administrator tools that come with RemoteConnect for SCADAPack. Upon startup, there is a message about setting the Master Key. We have an existing Master Key. Can I reuse that?


As long as the same master key is used no change to RTU operation should be needed. Just enter the same master key phrase on the new system.

When you start using the new computer, there is no Master Key yet, so it will request a new Master Key phrase:
Security administrator Enter new Master Key phrase.jfif

Key in the same master key phrase as the old machine master key to generate a key that matches the existing. There will be a warning, but this can be ignored. Click Yes:
Security administrator Master Key warning.jfif

You do not have to generate a different SCADAPACK key. You should only need to change keys if a new one was needed for example if the key became public knowledge.

The system of RTUs should then work without a need to update all the RTUs.