How to rename (ID and Passcode) for bluetooth speakers 5600ICBT40, 5600ICBT65 and amplifier 5600BTSA50?


30 September 2021

Renaming (ID and Passcode) for bluetooth speakers 5600ICBT40, 5600ICBT65 and amplifier 5600BTSA50:
  1. "Bluetooth Write" program can be downloaded from and installed on PC (Windows based only)
  2. Then Connect Bluetooth product to PC via mini USB to USB cable (not supplied)
  3. Open "WriteBT" program and click on “READ”, this will identify the current ID and Passcode
  4. Rewrite "personal ID" and "Passcode" and click “ “WRITE”, “Write OK” will appear when ID and Passcode has been succesfully changed.
  5. Forget old ID in device and re-search for new ID and proceed to pair with new passcode.
For further information, please visit

Image of 5600ICBT40 speaker bluetooth (4.0 inch) 8w rmsImage of 5600ICBT65 speaker bluetooth(6.5 inch) 15w rmsAngled image of 5600BTSA50 ampilfier bluetooth, stand alone 50w rms
            5600ICBT40                                                                                       5600ICBT65                                                                                               5600BTSA50