Frequently asked questions
How do you program an auto/manual or com via digital input on the ATV630 and ATV930 Process drives?
28 September 2021
Issue:Setup the Hand/Off/Auto on the ATV630/ATV930 Process drives.
Product Line:
Altivar ATV630 ATV930 Process drive
Wants to be able to wire in an HOC or HOA for switching between hand of auto or hand off communctions.
This programming is done in the Command and Reference menu. (Main Menu -> Complete Settings -> Command and Reference)
Ref Freq 1 and Cmd Channel 1 will apply to the low (deactivated) state of the switching digital input being used.
Ref Freq 2 and Cmd Channel 2 will apply to the high (activated) state of the switching digital input being used.
Example 1 hand off auto with terminal start stop control in both modes.
Ref Freq 1 config = AI1 for hand control or Pot
Control mode= not seperate
Freq switch assign= DI3 logic is DI3 = low = hand or DI3= high= Auto
Ref Freq 2 Config= AI3 for auto control 4-20mA
Example 2 hand off com
Ref Freq 1 config = AI1 for hand control or Pot
Control mode= I/O Profile
CMD swtiching = DI3
CMD channel 1= terminal mode
CMD channel 2 = Ethernet
Freq switch assign= DI3
Ref Freq 2 Config= Ethernet
Logic = DI3= low Pot speed and terminal contorl or DI3= high Ethernet command and speed reference.