Where can I find the part numbers for LED bulbs for 9001KM35L type LED modules?


01 February 2023

Where can I find the part numbers for LED bulbs for 9001KM35L type LED modules?

Product Line:
Push Buttons and Operator Interface

Harmony Pushbuttons 30 mm

Product selection

For series J KM35L LED modules use the following numbers:
65088-052-10 Red       65088-052-11 Yellow
65088-052-12 Green    65088-052-13 Blue
65088-052-14 White

You cannot use these LED lamps in series H or earlier KM35L LED modules, as damage will result. If using Digest 172 listed bulbs in series J KM35L LED modules, they will be very dim.  Lamp part numbers are also listed on the side of the light module.
See attached