5 Smart Home Myths Debunked

5 Smart Home Myths Debunked

Separating fact from fiction in home automation

Home automation is a new and exciting opportunity for many of us – but when technology is new and people are still learning, there’s often a lot of misinformation, misconceptions and (often) some very tall stories. 

We’ve debunked some common smart home myths so that you can better understand home automation and make the right choice for you.

Smiling woman holding her iPad in the kitchen

Myth 1

Home automation is only for newer homes

There’s no home too old. Our smart home systems can be retrofitted to the home you live in, regardless of the age of the building – all you need is electricity. 

If you’re unsure, chat to your electrician. They can explain which solutions would work seamlessly with your space and your lifestyle. 

Once you’ve identified the home automation solution that’s right for you, they can get started on installing it. After that, you’ll be a home automation convert and tell all your friends.

Man adjusts dining room lights with Wiser by SE app on smartphone

Myth 2

Smart homes are too technical to understand

When you hear “home automation” or “smart home”, you might imagine the TV turning on by itself and you not being able to turn it off. Or you might picture complex panels of circuits, wires and buttons.

But that’s not the case at all!

Home automation is designed to make your life easier, not harder. That’s why we’ve designed the Clipsal smart home systems. They’re easy to navigate and integrate seamlessly into everyday living.  

Often it’s as simple as setting up schedules using our Wiser Room app on your device. Once set up, the programmed schedules work every day by themselves and do all the thinking for you.

If you can use an app, you can use home automation. 

Woman browsing on smartphone in living room
Woman using Wiser by SE app on her smartphone
family on ipad

Home automation uses more energy

Incorrect! Home automated electrical solutions are designed to consume less power and save energy. They also allow you to monitor overall power usage. 

For example:

On average, you might have air-conditioning on for 6-7 hours per day. 

You could reduce the power usage by setting a timer that follows a running schedule (on for 2 hours, off for half an hour, etc).

You keep the house cool, by this simple automation. You don't have to keep your air conditioning on and waste energy. 

By using home automation functions like setting timers and creating schedules, you’ll find you’re actually conserving energy

Electric Home Design Magazine

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